I have been debating back and forth about what I wanted to do for the letter "C" in this series of devotionals for ladies/wives. I had an outline all ready to type up, but for some reason the Lord kept bringing this particular thought to mind. Have you ever heard the saying that "life is the sum total of all the decisions that we make?" There is so much truth there because at the end of our lives that is exactly what we will be left with...the outcome of all the choices that we have made in life. The most important choice one can make is turning to Christ for Salvation. Maybe next in line would be whom you will marry, how many children you'll have, what kind of job/career you might choose...all these are choices that we make. From the time we get out of bed in the morning to the time we get back in at night we make choice after choice after choice. So as we make choices in life we should make sure that God is in all our thoughts because the alternative (leaving Him out) could be the difference between a life of peace or a life of regret and stress. Having said that...the wonderful thing about our AMAZING God is that even when we've made the wrong choices, even when we have left Him out of our thoughts...He is always willing to help us pick up the broken pieces and get us back on track. I don't get it and I don't have too, but I know from personal experience that this is so true. So as we think specifically of a wife's role in marriage (certainly some of these things relate to the husband as well) some thoughts came to mind about some "little" choices we can make everyday to make our marriage better than the day before...because in the end, all the things you thought were just "little" really were the most important after all.
~Choose to forget that little "misunderstanding" you had yesterday.
~Choose to not go to bed until that argument is resolved.
~Choose to tell your husband that you love him everyday...even if you don't "feel" like it.
~Choose to focus on your husband's strength's and not all the things that you "wish he would be."
~Choose to never forget that you aren't perfect...marriage is a union of two sinners, saved by God's Grace.
~Choose to remember your husband's favorite things.
~Choose to make yourself attractive for your husband.
~Choose to be Godly, and devoted to the Lord everyday...this will make you beautiful inside!
~Choose to consider you husband before yourself...just as Christ did for you when He went to the cross.
~Choose to make your marriage a success, even if you think all hope is lost (that may mean getting help if that is the case).
~Choose to be quiet when you feel like saying that thing that doesn't really need to be said....is it lovely, pure, just, of good report?
~Choose to be like Christ....humble and meek.
~Choose to hug, kiss and dote on your husband...everybody wants to feel loved.
~Choose to always guard your heart by never putting yourself into a compromising situation or any situation that makes your husband feel uncomfortable.
~Choose to give your marriage to the Lord from now until eternity...He can do wonders with it.
This is most definitely not an extensive list...just what came to mind. We all would do well (myself included) to choose wisely each day of our married life! Blessings:)