In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
Something from nothing. That is what we have here in this verse. The Bible clearly states that God created (from no previously existing matter, I might add) the heavens and the earth. He spoke and the world and all things contained in it came to be. Awesome! Let me say it again...Awesome! The God we serve specializes in bringing about "something" from "nothing." What does this mean to you and I, you might ask? Allow me to elaborate. As a Mom and Wife do you sometimes feel like you are running on empty? Do you feel like the apostle Paul when he said (and I'm not quoting exactly),"The things that I hate, those are the things I find myself doing?" The Bible says we have put on the new man who is the very image of Christ. Along with this the fruit of the spirit should be manifest in our lives (love, joy, peace, long suffering, temperance etc...). Let me tell you, there are days when I feel like my "fruit of the Spirit" are like fruit salad gone wrong...very wrong. Upon closer examination it may even look like something you forgot to dispose of in the back of your fridge...moldy and smelly. The only thing to do is to throw it out. Where there should be peace, there is trouble and worry. Where there should be patience, I find shortness and the bitter fruit of impatience. Have you been there? I pray about these things daily and even still they are a struggle. It is always easier to please the flesh then to walk in the spirit. Do you find this to be true? Don't be discouraged Wife and Mom...there is victory to be had!
Let's go back to our verse (Gen. 1:1). If God can create the worlds from complete and utter nothingness don't you think that God can do the very same for us and in us? We may feel like we have nothing to offer or that all our efforts just aren't yielding the results we think they should. This is where God comes in. We sometimes as humans try in our own strength to bring about things that only the Holy Spirit can bring about in our lives. Unless there is some magic cure for impatience, lack of joy etc.. that I don't know about, we seriously need a spiritual "fill up." God can take all your nothingness, failures and defeat and fill you up with so many spiritual blessings you will overflow. Spiritually speaking, coming to the Lord completely empty of ourselves, our desires and self a very good thing. It's what He desires. The Lord wants you to throw your hands up and cry out..."Lord, I can't do this without You." This is when the Holy Spirit has free reign and can give you all the things you lack. Let's remember one thing; the fruits of the spirit are exactly that...only the Holy Spirit can give them to us. We can't find them within ourselves or within the pages of some self help book. Stop trying on your own to be what God wants you to's just not going to work.
Do you recall the "I Love Lucy" episode where she did the vitameatavegemin commercial? It went something like this..."Are you tired, worn out, listless? Do you poop out at parties? Are you unpopular? Then the answer to all your problems is in this little bottle..." Well Mom and wife, are YOU tired, worn out,listless? The answer to ALL your problems is in the Word of God. If you're feeling empty, "pull up" close to the throne in prayer. Pour out your heart (don't forget confession of sin) and ask God to fill you up. The Word of God is living, breathing and powerful...let the Bible work It's power in your life. Fill up every day on the Word. When we see ourselves as nothing...that's when we see that Jesus Christ is everything, and HE is all we need.
"Fill my cup, Lord. I lift it up, Lord. Come and quench this thirsting of my soul. Bread of Heaven feed me till I want no's my cup, fill it up and make me whole."
Philippians 1:6...Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
1 comment:
so so true! I have to make sure I get up early enough to "fill up" before all the kiddies get up and start filling my day with busyness! :) thanks for the reminder!
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