Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What's In My Coffee Cupboard

Since my blog is all about the simple life...I thought I'd share what I feel is one of life's simple pleasures...A GOOD cup of coffee.  For all of you who may not be coffee drinkers (shame on you!) maybe its a cup of tea or hot chocolate.  At any rate...here is what's in my coffee cupboard.

I think that at any given time, I have several types of coffee in my house.  This isn't even all that I have right now...I have some flavored coffee as well.  I really love coffee, but having said that, I'm not a person who drinks cup after cup.  I'm more like a 2-3 cup a day drinker.  Seriously, I'm all about the experience of drinking coffee...the taste, the smell etc...I really enjoy my java.  And I enjoy it even more when its cold outside.  So what do you like to drink...what kind of coffee do you prefer?  I love to read your comments so feel free to leave one.  Have a Great Day!

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